Photo of an altar candle lit, zoomed in.

Intentions for the Week

Mass Intentions

Saturday, March 15th

5:00pm Mass

† Andrew & Malanie Downey

† Adriana & Ilio Lorenzetti

† Alfredo Mendez

† Desmond Rodrigues

♦ In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph from Nina Manias

♦ In Thanksgiving to Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii

♦ In Thanksgiving for The Birthday of Benedette Pedro


Sunday, March 16th

8:00am Mass

† Domenico & Guido Bon

† Giuseppe Durigon

† Pietro & Angela Durigon

† Domenico & Flavia Fama


9:30am Mass

♦ For the Health of Isabella & Luca Di Noto

♦ For the Health of Tony & Angela Maione

♦ In Thanksgiving from Marie Soniga


11:00am Mass



12:30pm Mass

† Genaro Alfaro

† Stevan Alvarado

† Víctor Eduardo & Víctor Hernán Arévalo

† Carmelo Dávila

† Alejandrina de Dávila

† Ali Dia

† Hertha Drescher

† Juanita Lazo Gámez

† Guillermo Amador Robalino

† Blanca Sastre

♦ In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph

♦ In Thanksgiving from the Loiza Ramirez Family


Monday, March 17th

8:00am Mass

† Desmond Rodrigues

♦ In Thanksgiving for the Birthday Blessings of Isaiah


Tuesday, March 18th

8:00am Mass

† Luigi & Domenico Ognibene

♦ In Thanksgiving to St. Jude from Mary


Wednesday, March 19th

8:00am Mass

† Giuseppe Paulon

† Marilou & Josefina Raras

♦ In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph from Mary


Thursday, March 20th

8:00am Mass

† Rev. Casimir Krystkowiak OMI

♦ In Thanksgiving to St. Rita from Mary


Friday, March 21st

7:00pm Mass

† Giuseppina Grella

† All Souls in Purgatory

♦ For the Health of Tom Grella


Sanctuary Lamp

 March 15th – 21st

♦ In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph from Nina Manias